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We believe that open innovation and sustainability are key factors in solving global problems. In our view innovation can not be achieved alone, but through Open Innovation. For this reason, we have decided to create a crowdsourcing platform with the capacity to attract and process the most innovative solutions that respond to the main challenges of sustainable development identified in our Group's strategic plan and in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. In three years, openinnovability.com has hosted over 70 challenges, collected thousands of solutions from over 90 countries worldwide, awarded economic prizes and signed collaboration agreements with Italian and international companies, startups, researchers and individuals. We have created Open Innovability as a crowdsourcing platform for start-ups, entrepreneurs, companies - anyone who aspires to 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群伡的“底线民生”、改善群伡急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 We are looking for the protagonists of the future, those who dare to dream big and who want to turn their innovative ideas into real and impactful projects together with us. Are you ready to join the adventure?海外网络专线加速器
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